Protection on

When disposing of medical waste into standard foil bags and storing them, viruses and bacteria spread outside into the environment, which becomes the main source of infection.

CareFort isolates viruses and bacteria, which in consequence protects against secondary infections.

CareFort foil


CareFort test inspection report

Feline calicivirus *

Below the limit of detection

E. Coli **

Not detected

Staphylococcus aureus **

Not detected

Clostridum difficile ***

Not detected

Provided report is the result of CareFort control tests. Selected viruses and bacteria were tested outside of CareFort isolation. The results include the level of detection of individual viruses and bacteria immediately after packing medical waste, 1 day, 3 days and 7 days after the isolation.

*Test request destination: Kitasato Institute/Kitasato University Medical Center Hospital Test number: No.01201
**Inspection: Kyoto Microbial Research Institute Report number: No.8171-8174
***Test request destination: Japan Food Research Laboratories Report from test Issue number: nr 11036258001-01

Reduced risk of secondary bacterial and viral infection

The CareFort disposal system seals and isolates infected hospital waste such as: diapers, protective gloves, gauze, catheters, bottles and vials, protective masks aprons, ostomy bags, surgical residues and non-sharp objects.

Bacteria, viruses and odors are sealed in leak-proof package using a specialized highly hermetic foil for packaging medical waste. It allows to prevent secondary infections caused by bacteria and viruses generated for example by feces and urine.

Used waste is put into CareFort device, and then are subjected to the process of hermetic packaging. The surface of the waste is tightly bonded with inner side of the foil though the sealing material, which prevents bacteria and viruses from spreading outside. Finally, the secured packaging with medical waste is removed, which then goes to a designated place, where it awaits for disposal in accordance with protocol health care facilities.

Nursing/long-term care areas

Touching feces, vomit, dirt

High risk of infection due to contact with blood and feces

Touching body fluids and secretions (blood and wound exudates)

Infections caused by contact with hazardous materials (injections, infusions)

Risk of infection due to long working hours, night shifts.

Survey on the study of working environment conditions, aimed at nursing staff or active long-term care.

Elimination of unpleasant odors

Usually in medical facilities, waste with an unpleasant smell is disposed in standard bags. The repulsive odor seeps through the cracks filling the entire room.  This is a big issue for nurses and other hospitalized patients and residents.

By eliminating the source of unpleasant odors, the CareFort will turn your previous disgusting waste disposal work into clean and comfortable, even when stored indoors for long periods.

The introduction of CareFort has shown how much an odor source can be suppressed by measuring experiments with an odor sensor.

To sum up the research carried out, it is concluded that CareFort is ideal solution dedicated for the elimination of every infectious agent and various types of odors. With CareFort unpleasant odors are reduced by 97% only 3% of the respondents reported that they could smell bad odors, the rest unanimously confirmed that they did not smell any unpleasant odors. It has been documented that when Odor Index is 200 or below, a person does not smell.

Odor reduction