Dedicated packaging foil

The CareFort device uses only packaging foil that is dedicated, tested and patented by the manufacturer. Sanitary seals bacteria, viruses and odors. According to the research carried out, the perception of odors is reduced by as much as 97%.

See research


Tests were conducted using odor sensors between a regular waste bag and a specialist foil from CareFort device. The result indicated that the perception of unpleasant odors was halved.

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The surface of the foil is covered with a special glue that enables instant sticking two layers of foil. This increases strength of the foil, making it impossible for the individual layers to peel off from each other even in the case of a strong pull.

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Packaging foils adhere directly to each other, do not stick to the contents of packaged medical waste, so if necessary, they can be taken out again for e.g. testing. In addition, hermetically packed medical waste takes up much less space during their storage.

The introduction of CareFort has shown how much an odor source can be suppressed by measuring experiments with an odor sensor.

To sum up the research carried out, it is concluded that CareFort is ideal solution dedicated for the elimination of every infectious agent and various types of odors. With CareFort unpleasant odors are reduced by 97% only 3% of the respondents reported that they could smell bad odors, the rest unanimously confirmed that they did not smell any unpleasant odors. It has been documented that when Odor Index is 200 or below, a person does not smell.